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Dance artists, Lighting designers, Costume designers, and Stage managers: Beyond Ballet professional development, National Youth Ballet

  •  UK-wide
  •  Â£10k-15k
  •  Part time
  •  Closes February 13, 2025
  •  Megan Gibbons
  •  megan@nationalyouthballet.org
  • #Dance


Job Summary

Build and expand choreographic, dance facilitation, rehearsal direction, lighting design, costume or stage management skills in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Job Description

https://nationalyouthballet.org/take-part/beyond-ballet-2025-applications/ - Beyond Ballet is an unparalleled initiative that supports emerging creative artists from all areas of the theatre industry in the early stages of their professional careers. Each year we select a number of emerging choreographers, dance leaders, rehearsal directors and young industry professionals working in lighting design, costume design and stage management aged 18-25 to take part.

During the opportunity you will:

  • Build and expand choreographic, dance facilitation, rehearsal direction, lighting design, costume or stage management skills in a supportive and nurturing environment
  • Develop your professional networks
  • Learn about new ways of working with a range of young people
  • Work towards developing creative projects
  • Be an assistant to an established industry professional during rehearsals
  • Take part in bespoke online mentoring
  • Take part in industry talks with industry professionals

There will be additional opportunities including NYB https://nationalyouthballet.org/take-part/appliedballet/ - Ahttps://nationalyouthballet.org/take-part/appliedballet/ - llhttps://nationalyouthballet.org/take-part/appliedballet/ - In!, a new project with English Heritage and our https://nationalyouthballet.org/take-part/residential-performance-company-2025/ - annual auditions and workshops that you can be involved in.

We are currently looking for aspiring:

  • Dance artists with a specialism in choreography, facilitation, rehearsal direction or teaching, with an interest in working inclusively
  • Lighting designers (technical role)
  • Costume designers/supervisors (technical role)
  • Stage managers (technical role)

We are looking for 1 person for each of the 3 technical roles available and 4 dance specialists. You need to be aged between 18 and 25. We will accept applications up to the age of 30 for those who have had an alternative pathway into the industry of for those with a disability.


There are paid and a few unpaid professional development opportunities (such as shadowing opportunities) throughout the year. Paid opportunities are paid at the rate of £134 per day

Job Requirements

Dates and Timeline

  • You need to be available during Spring 2025 for online mentoring and industry talks
  • In person activity in Birmingham, 10th - 16th August 2025, Elmhurst Ballet School (please note that not everybody will be required for all of these dates.)
  • In person activity in Brighton, dates to be confirmed.
  • Additional dates and opportunities may occur as the year progresses.
  • The opportunity will culminate in September 2026.

Job Responsibilities

NYB promotes a Culture of Inclusion. You can find easy read versions of this application information here. Please get in touch with us to let us know how we could support your access needs in the application process, the interview and in the role. We can provide Access Rider Templates if needed. Please email [email protected] to start this conversation.

We actively encourage candidates from under-represented communities, different backgrounds, experiences and skills to apply. This is a development opportunity, we are looking for people that we think we can support and develop at this early stage in their careers.

NYB is committed to safeguarding and protecting all children and young people who participate in our activities. We ensure that we have the policies and procedures in place so that we can do everything possible to safeguard all our team and participants. NYB practises Safer Recruitment.

Useful Links

How to Apply

You can find full details of the programme and opportunity on our website.

To apply you need to fill out the application form and anonymous EDI monitoring form.

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