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Evaluation Support for Croydon's Place Partnership, Croydon Music and Arts, Croydon Council

  •  London
  •  Under £10K
  •  Part time
  •  Closes January 7, 2025
  •  Kirsty Lothian
  •  kirsty.lothian@croydon.gov.uk
  • #Combined arts


Job Summary

Croydon Music and Arts is seeking an evaluation partner to work with us on evidencing the impact and sharing learning from the delivery of our Place Partnership funding. This is a tender with a budget of £8000.

Job Description

Croydon Music and Arts is the lead partner for a two-year Place Partnership grant from Arts Council England, along with BH Live, Fashion Meets Music, Finesse Foreva, Stanley Arts, Talawa Theatre Company, Turf Projects and Zoo Co, to deliver a Croydon-wide collaboration, transforming cultural participation and arts sector
capacity, for the long term. Led by NPOs & cross-sector partnerships, it is delivering a sustainable, dynamic & inclusive cultural ecosystem via a step-change in support for young people & emerging artists. The grant coincided with Croydon's year as London Borough of Culture (This is Croydon).

As the project enters its final quarter, we wish to contract an evaluation partner with experience of Arts Council England reporting. We are looking for someone who can work with all bid partners to
deliver an on-time evaluation that shows the fullness of this complex project.
This will involve:
Use project documentation including the original bid, the evaluation framework and progress reports to demonstrate the impact of the project against the required outcomes.
Review existing data and reporting from This is Croydon and the individual strands of the project.
Collate and analyse existing data, and identify gaps and remaining opportunities to fill them.
Work with project partners to design any final surveys or collection tools for the partners to deliver.
Apply qualitative evaluation practices to explore and capture the experience of partners and participants (and make use of existing qualitative material).
Conduct any necessary interviews, focus groups, or other qualitative fieldwork.
Produce a final evaluation report, framed in the context of Croydon's and Arts Council England's priorities with allowance for one round of major edits and two rounds of minor edits.
Provide clean datasets and interview writeups that can be referenced in future to inform further developments of the work.

Job Requirements

We are seeking someone with experience evaluating projects in an arts and culture setting, funded by Arts Council England. Excellent writing and communication skills are essential along with the ability to work flexibly, independently and collaboratively with the team. Experience of working with a local authority, and with multiple partners, is preferred.

Tenders will be assessed according to the following weightings:

Full budget breakdown offering value for money 30%

Outline approach for delivering the brief; including timescales
and tools available to you 30%

Examples of past work (min. 2 examples) including relevance
to this programme. 15%

Experience of team members/consultant delivering the
programme - Max 2- page CVs or biographies should be provided 25%

Job Responsibilities

Key Deliverables:
Evaluation report, signed off by Croydon Music and Arts
Arts Council England Grantium final narrative report
Clean datasets and research notes for reference

7th Jan- submission deadline
23rd Jan- interviews
15th Feb- inception meeting
31st March - delivery of Place Partnership programme ends.
15th May- first draft of evaluation report
30th May - second draft of evaluation report
13th June- evaluation report to designer
30th June- final signoff of designed report, and clean datasets and writeups.
31st July- all internal and funder reporting completed (some queries may arise in July).
There is a budget of up to £8,000 available for this work.

Useful Links

How to Apply

You are invited to submit a proposal for your approach to this brief including:
• A high level approach for developing the evaluation methodology and measuring the impact of the project as detailed above
• At least two examples of past work which demonstrates the relevant skills and experience needed for this project
• Outline CVs of any team members who will be delivering the work
• A budget providing breakdown of fees and expenditure
• Details of two referees
Please read the full brief here before applying: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MEhOG0G_DCS8plbEP6hTQPJj6UuOEMyc/view?usp=sharing

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