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Fashion designer for visual arts and public space works, Ana Mendes

  •  London
  •  Under £10K (pro rata)
  •  Part time
  •  Closes April 20, 2025
  •  Ana Mendes
  •  testmailforana@gmail.com
  • #Combined arts


Job Summary

Looking for fashion designer (s) for two projects - 1) visual arts work that intersects art, fashionm nature and food 2) public space artwork.

Job Description

I am looking for fashion designer (s) for two upcoming projects, 1) one deals with a visual arts work, which plays in the intersection between visual arts, food, fashion and nature. 2) The other work is a project in the public space, which is close to sculpture, using textiles.

First project (1) is an ongoing work, which will have a new chapter through a new art exhibition in Europe and developments in Asia. The fashion designer will collaborate on a creation of a new piece, which addresses topics of gender, identity, fashion and food. Concept already defined, but room for experimentation.

Second project (2) is new, an art installation/sculpture in the public space, which is open to experimentation / collaboration. It deals with feminism, memory and has sense of humour.

Fashion designer can apply to one or both projects, depending on skill and interest.

Job Requirements

Fashion designer can apply to one or both projects, depending on skill & interest.

1) For project one, fashion designer will collaborate on the creation of a ne fashion work, which is part of a larger project. The work needs to be finished by August 2025, to be exhibited in the fall of 2025. It does not require big committment in terms number of hours, but it requires on-going collaboration throughout the spring until Autumn.

Professional needs to have an experimental approach to fashion, willing to experiment with new materials, techniques, and skilled on working with silk.

Freedoom to propose alternative materials, considering an ecological perspective - bio materials, repurposed fabric, etc.

2) Project two, installation / sculpture in the public space, fashion designer will collaborate on the creation of a new work composed from repurposed materials, which addresses questions of feminism, memory and identity wih sense of humour.

Reference fee: 150 £/day. Time spending up 3 weeks

Job Responsibilities

(1) For project one, to co-create a new experimental fashion piece, to be exhibited in the Autumn 2025, in Europe.

Strict fulfillment of deadllines.

Openess and transparency.

Good knowledge/ experience of materials such as silk, and/or interest in working with alternative/bio materials.

(2) For project 2, installation/sculpture public space, it is required to have an experimental practice, openess and will to innovate. No fixed deadline, so, it is open to a long-term collaboration, unfolding over time. Fashion designer should be interested in sculpture, public space and knowledge of materials, which can be suitable for this setting. Work has some sense of humour and experimental nature, so, it fits someone curious and creative.

How to Apply

Please apply with CV, portfolio and some lines about you and your work.
Due to number of applications, it might not be posible to reply to everyone individually.
Selected applicants will be contacted two weeks after the deadline has passed.

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