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Freelance Artist, The Bowes Museum

  •  North East
  •  Under £10K
  •  Part time
  •  Closes March 21, 2025
  •  hr@thebowesmuseum.org.uk
  • #Museums


Job Summary

Hours of work: Freelance delivery between 09:30 – 17:00 7 days a week. Salary: Half day rate £130 for 2.5hrs, full day rate £250 for 5 hrs. We’re keen to centre Artists, Makers and Designers within our public-facing delivery and are recruiting a freelance team of 7 to 10 artists to plan an

Job Description

We are looking to work with artists who have diverse practices and bring new skills, perspectives and opportunities to the people we work with. We welcome applications from emerging artists, as well as those with more experience.

Although we are interested in all applications, we are particularly keen to hear from artists with any of the following practices, skills, and/or knowledges:

  • Socially engaged arts practice
  • Co-producing arts practice (particularly over a sustained period of time)
  • Science, technology, engineering, arts and Maths (STEAM)
  • Printmaking/Textiles
  • Confidence with running adult workshops or courses
  • Confidence with working with children and/or adults that identify as having a disability (particularly profound and multiple learning disabilities)
  • Experience of youth participation
  • Sound and Music
  • Confidence with school groups from Early Years to University students.

Job Requirements

  • To deliver artist-led workshops on a one-off and longer-term basis for children, young people, families, schools, teachers and adults.
  • To plan and deliver creative workshops linked to our collections and exhibitions for visitors that inspire connection and curiosity and build skills and opportunities. Including CPD opportunities.

Job Responsibilities

  • Plan, prepare and deliver lively and imaginative artist-led workshops aimed at providing an excellent experience for all ages across the year.
  • Be available to deliver at least 5 artist workshops in an annual period on Saturdays between 13:00 - 15:00 and at least 1 Wednesday during school holidays between 13:00 - 15:00. With the potential for working evenings and full days.
  • Provide a workshop delivery plan and materials list to the learning team at least 10 days in advance.
  • Provide attendance numbers to the learning Manager and welcome team at the end of the workshop and share learning and/or evaluation when required.
  • Set-up and pack down the workshop space each session, cleaning may be required after sessions.
  • Facilitate the use of materials for the workshops.
  • Adhere to all Safeguarding and Health and Safety policies procedures in place and complete session specific risk assessments- training can be given.

How to Apply

There are two ways that you can apply and consider the Personal Specifications in your responses.
1. You may respond by sending in a video or vlog.
Please identify these areas:
• Why you would like to work at The Bowes Museum?
• Your artistic practice?
• The types of audience who you have previously worked with?

Then upload a copy of your CV to include:
• 3 examples of your previous work with images.
• The names of two referees
• Confirmation that you have DBS certification


2. You can submit a covering letter to include the following:
• Why you would like to work at The Bowes Museum?
• Your artistic practice?
• The types of audience who you have previously worked with?
• A copy of your CV to include 3 examples of your previous work with images and the names of two referees.
• Confirmation that you have DBS certification

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