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Freelance Governance Consultant, Shallal

  •  South West
  •  Under £10K
  •  Part time
  •  Closes March 21, 2025
  •  Mary Godwin
  •  marygodwin62@icloud.com
  • #Combined arts


Job Summary

Shallal is seeking an experienced freelance consultant to support the trustees and current leadership in an exploration of options for future leadership and more diverse, inclusive governance.

Job Description

The Key Outcomes/Outputs of this consultancy are as follows:
A shared understanding of Shallal's future focus and priorities

A practical written plan for succession, inclusive leadership and decision-making.

A role description for a future leadership position

Delivery of a recruitment campaign for new trustees.

The deliverables are as follows:
Project initiation meeting with trustees and creative leadership

Facilitation of an 'Away day' with trustees and creative team to explore Shallal's future focus and priorities

Conversations with trustees and creative team, in groups and 1-2-1 to explore future focus and priorities

Review of the challenges and opportunities for Shallal's future governance and leadership, and of previous work done to strengthen governance and inclusive leadership

Research into good practice in peer organisations and visits where appropriate

Attending at least one members' meeting to gather ideas and feedback

Interim written report and review in person to trustees

Final Report on future leadership role

Planning and project-managing the recruitment of new trustees

Job Requirements

See the brief for this role

Job Responsibilities

See the brief for this role

Useful Links

How to Apply

Interested consultants should respond to this brief with a realistic outline work plan and details of their relevant experience. Submissions should be sent to Mary Godwin, trustee via email to [email protected] . If you have an questions, or would like to have an informal chat about this project, please contact Shallal Trustee Mary Godwin, on 07881 521353

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