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Latin Dance teacher required for older people dance class, In-Deep

  •  London
  •  Under £10K
  •  Full time
  •  Closes January 31, 2025
  •  Emma Chapman
  •  emma.chapman@in-deep.org.uk
  • #Dance


Job Summary

We are a registered charity and are looking for an experienced dance teacher to teach samba, salsa, latin dance in February 2025 every Wednesday in Pimlico from 10.30 - 11.30

Job Description

We run weekly latin moves dance class every Wednesday in Pimlico from 10.30 - 11.30. There is 8 - 12 regular attendees. Older people dance individually and do warm up, samba, salsa and latin dance moves along with abba sometimes!

We also do balance exercises to help older people prevent falls. We are looking for an experienced dance instructor with older people who is enthusiastic and able to motivate others. We pay £55 a session.

Job Requirements

We are looking for a dance teacher with the following qualities

- experienced teacher

- experience with older people

- experience teaching latin dance

- outgoing with the ability to teach and motivate others

- must be insured and qualified

Job Responsibilities

- to choreograph and teach routine for 1 month

- to keep record of attendees each week

How to Apply

Please email cv and cover letter detailing your experience

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