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Open Call: BTB25 Commisison with Creative Spaces Burnley - Sci Fi & Textiles, British Textile Biennial

  •  North West
  •  Under £10K
  •  Part time
  •  Closes March 28, 2025
  •  Emily Tonge
  •  emily@britishtextilebiennial.co.uk
  • #Visual arts


Job Summary

This residency offers an artist or collective to explore the inter-relationship between science fiction and the evolution of high performance fabrics in Burnley in the 20th century.

Job Description

This residency offers an artist or collective to explore the inter-relationship between science fiction and the evolution of high performance fabrics in Burnley in the 20th century. The 20th century saw a rise in adventure and exploration, with humans determined to conquer land, sea, sky and space driven by a utopian vision of the future.

There was a parallel rise in science fiction, first in literature and later in film, that often presented an alternative, more dystopian view. Presented in Burnley, the work should spark a conversation around this theme and deliver an impactful exhibition, installation or film outcome that could be presented within the gallery or a nearby outdoor location. This residency will involve support from the Burnley Creative Spaces team as residency hosts and the BTB team around the curatorial direction and production delivery.

Job Requirements

Please visit our website for the full brief and application process.

Job Responsibilities

Please visit our website for the full brief and application process.

Useful Links

How to Apply

Please visit our website for the full brief and application process.

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