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The Living Barracks Cultural Programme Artists Open Call, Berwick Shines

  •  North East
  •  Â£50k+
  •  Full time
  •  Closes November 4, 2024
  •  Lauren Velvick
  •  lauren.velvick@maltingsberwick.co.uk
  • #Other


Job Summary

We are looking for artists to undertake residencies and commissions, that will be inspired by the extensive heritage collections of the Barracks and the town, and presented in spaces across Berwick upon Tweed.

Job Description

We are now inviting expressions of interest for residencies and commissions:

Residencies: up to £25,000 inc VAT
These residencies are for developing one or more aspects of your practice through, with and alongside the place of Berwick-upon-Tweed and its wider contexts. There must be public engagement throughout which could take the form of workshops, talks, skill sharing etc. and there must be a public outcome such as an exhibition, performance or event of some kind.

Commissions: up to £40,000 inc VAT
Commissions are an opportunity to develop large scale new work in direct engagement with Berwick and its communities. They can also be developed in collaboration with other organisations - e.g, if a new commission that is in discussion or already underway is seeking further funding and could be nuanced for two major presentations.

Residency + Commission: up to £65,000 inc VAT
Residencies and commissions can be combined to allow for a longer period of engagement and development which will then support a larger scale presentation of the public outcome.

Deadline for expressions of interest is Monday 4 November at 9am

To apply

For more detailed information and how to apply, please https://admin.maltingsberwick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Living-Barracks-Open-Call-Oct-2024.pdf - download and read the Open Call information pack and send your application to Creative Producer, mailto:[email protected] - [email protected] with 'Living Barracks CDF programme' in the email header.


Any queries regarding the commission opportunity in advance of submitting an expression of interest can be emailed to mailto:[email protected] - [email protected] in the first instance.

Open briefing

There will be an open briefing via Teams on Wednesday 23 October at 11am to outline the project and what we are hoping to achieve, and to give you a chance to ask questions. Access will be via this link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Njc1OTc3YmEtZDdhNy00NmU5LTg0OWMtYzRlNDdhNDgzODNh%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d5631234-efb4-41c9-98ec-c629e9f775cf%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2235aa30cc-53b7-4e4b-ae80-8b435978d9d6%22%7d - Open Briefing.

Job Requirements

Artist Requirements:

Applicants should have:

An established art practice and experience of developing and producing work within the public realm and / or non-gallery settings.

A practice that responds to and / or is informed by place, social history, heritage history and / or historical sites.

Experience of working with community members and groups in the development, co-creation or in active participation of artworks.

An understanding of working in heritage contexts with sensitivity to conservation issues and working with significant listed buildings.

Can work with and effectively communicate to a wide range of stakeholders to develop and deliver new work.

Permission to work in the UK.

Job Responsibilities

Living Barracks Open Call Invitation

Our aims for the programme are:

To promote high quality artistic responses to Berwick as a place and to the heritage of our partners.

To make Berwick a destination for creatives and visitors.

To contribute to pride in place for local people.

To grow a national profile for our cultural programme.

To create opportunities for local artists.

To ensure environmental sustainability and accessibility for all.

To deliver artistic work that is high quality and challenging.

Expressions of interest for residencies and commissions need to address all of these aims in some way through the artwork's content, form, production or process. We are openminded and we want to be surprised and inspired.

Useful Links

How to Apply

For more detailed information and how to apply, please download and read the Open Call information pack and send your application to Creative Producer, [email protected] with ‘Living Barracks CDF programme’ in the email header.

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